Shodamia – your unusual beauty destination

Shodamia is a fast-growing beauty website in Nigeria, focused on sharing information about beauty and fashion.

Guaranteed to make you look good
At Shodamia, we believe that beauty is what individuals can create on their own. So, we aim to provide information that is clear and useful to every individual out there. We take pride in providing information on natural beauty, makeup, skincare, and wellness to develop your confidence, self-expression, and make you feel your best every day.
You can call us “refreshing” as we provide you tips that will make you stay beautiful all the time.

No matter who you are or what you do for a living, Shodamia has something for you
Maryam, the founder of shodamia is a super zealous research writer and fashion enthusiast who believes in the allure of beauty and is passionate about showing others how beautiful they are irrespective of their personality or what they do for a living. If you ask her once again about what motivates Shodamia, she would say “I just want every girl to understand that true beauty radiates with self-love and it can be created irrespective of being wealthy or not, short or tall, dark or fair skinned.

benefits of niacinamide


At Shodamia, we don’t simply write positive or negative reviews because a product belongs to the beauty industry. Instead, our content is meticulously crafted based on thorough research. Every piece you find here has successfully met our rigorous research standards.


Before publishing any content on this platform, we conduct comprehensive assessments of sources to ensure that we deliver precise and valuable information to our audience. Be rest assured that every tip you find here has passed our rigorous evaluation.


We write content that enhances your beauty. You can always come back