10 Lucrative Side Hustles You Can Do As A Nigerian Student

Depending on your parents for money as a university student may not be the right choice for you, especially when you have younger siblings your parents need to take care of. They simply just can’t give you everything you need and your best bet is to find out ways to be financially independent.
The confusion usually sets in when trying to figure out what you can do to make money as a Nigerian student.

Why do you need to become financially Independent ?

Being an independent individual has its own perks. Apart from easing your parents or guardians off the stress of your responsibility, there are a lot of other reasons why you need to start living off your own money.

Being able to earn your own money accords a different kind of respect to you.
You start living life based on your own terms.
You get chance to make your own decisions, buy what you want to buy and do the things you want to do without necessarily informing your parents.

You will be able to spend your money anyhow you want to spend it and be accountable to no one but you.

You may start to think that your lecture schedule wouldn’t permit start a side hustle, don’t worry, there is always a perfect niche for you.

10 side hustles for Nigerian students

1)Hairdressing: If you’ve got some perfect hair making skills, then this is your best bet. Every girl on campus loves to look good at a decent price.

2)Phone and laptop repairs: Almost everyone you know on campus has a gadget. Your roommate, course mates and lecturers have an android phone, a personal computer or both. And just like humans fall sick, they also need repairs sometimes.

3)Freelancing: Freelancing can be applied to so many fields of work. You can be a freelance writer, freelance graphics designer, the list goes on and on. The good thing about freelancing is that work gets done remotely and it can easily be joggled with school.

4)Blogging: This may not be the get-rich-quick way of getting money, but it can turn out to be the best kind of time and money investment you ever made. There are different blog niches, but it’s preferable to pick a niche you are comfortable writing about.

5)Photocopying: Every student has handouts to make a new copy of and every lecturer has a document they would love to duplicate. Photocopying business is a wise venture to invest in within the campus territories.

6)Tutoring: There was a time during my first year at school when a final year student started organizing tutorials for chemistry courses. He charges everyone who attends a hundred naira each and with over 200 students in attendance, he makes over 20k in naira every weekend from us. People are willing to pay to be taught.

7)Photography: Today, everyone is a photographer once they have a cell phone. But students still want to take top-notch pictures. They need pictures of their accomplishments in their album. Like pictures of them giving a presentation in class or one where they were delivering a lecture at a seminar.

8)Catering services: If you’ve got some baking skills and enough time on your hand, then this is for you. You can go into delivering of cupcakes , doughnuts or any other kind of snack to school vendors who sell them. Or you can just put it at taking cake orders from events.

9)Fashion designing: Everyone wants to look peng and that’s where you come into the picture. All you need is to have a good eye for fashion, update on what’s trending and basic fashion designing skills.

10)Project assistant: You’re probably wondering what that means. Well, a project assistant is simply someone who assists you when you have a project. Say you have a presentation and you need someone to set up your power point for you. Yeah. That’s an example of a project assistant. And this is something you can easily do for people and still charge them.

Maryam Awodele
Maryam Awodele

Hi, I'm Maryam

A super zealous research writer and fashion enthusiast who specializes in teaching others how to look good and feel good through fashion tips, reviews, and lifestyle tips. Here at Shodamia, we believe that quality information is key to helping individuals to look & feel good. So, we do our best to provide our readers with well-researched, reliable, and practical tips that cater to their unique styles and preferences.

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