How I Stopped Procrastinating (And Do All Works I Know I Should Do)

And how you can say goodbye to procrastination too.

If you know you’re about to reach for the phone to check Facebook, you’re probably procrastinating. While the action might seem harmless, research shows that time-wasting on social media comes with an increase in cortisol, a stress hormone that can lead to overreacting to daily events. In other words, it can turn an easy Monday into a stressful or wasteful one.

Past few months, I was struggling to improve my relationship with time and the things I’m scheduled to do, because procrastination as at then, seems to be a particularly sharp issue for me. As a matter of fact, I can do 100 unimportant things yet find it difficult to get one important thing done without delay and that does not work with my always-full plate.

Honestly, I did not always mean to do some works late, though. I really do try not to do that by promising myself “by the Grace of God, I will conclude this work tomorrow.” But I got to realize saying this is part of the natural flow of life and this won’t work for stopping procrastination. However, I am glad I’ve finally gotten rid of it to an extent. So here are the things that helped me to stop procrastinating and actually do all the things I know I should do on time.

I chose mindfulness and curb it around me like a duvet

Being mindful can be a great way to prevent procrastination. When we’re mindful of our thoughts and actions, we make more informed choices about how to spend our time. When we are fully present, we can recognize the value of each moment, and the amount of work that’s left to do can decrease. I started looking for ways to stop procrastinating because I became mindful of it in my life. I feel like I am not growing and something is way behind it. My attentiveness to procrastination led me to a great solution. While mindfulness isn’t exactly easy, it’s worth the effort to learn and become more mindful. A few simple steps include taking time to notice your thoughts and the happenings around you.

I took setting of deadline serious

Sometimes we feel like we’re avoiding making a choice or decision because of some irrational idea that we’ll just forget. But there are a lot of ways to stop procrastinating by using our mindsets to make us feel more in control of our decisions.

To stop procrastinating, I think about when I am most likely to procrastinate, and then create a deadline for myself for the task at hand. For example, instead of putting off a task by claiming that I have something more important to do, I come up with a way that I can tackle the task and set a deadline. This has really helped me and you might need to also find an extra 15 minutes in your day or develop a new time-management technique that will help you prioritize your tasks.

I would not joke with setting realistic goals

We often set overly-ambitious goals, and this isn’t the best way to succeed at things. Researchers have found that goals with less to do and more to achieve are more successful in many tasks, which can help you make progress toward your goals without getting overwhelmed. Initially, what I believe is that I should do all my works at a time so I can get fast results. Unfortunately, I used to end up doing less than I expected and this is what usually leads to procrastination. Sometimes, when you have too many loads on your head, it is hard to think about them and succeed. Instead of doing them, you will end up delaying them.

I invested in taking my time

Research suggests that taking a break from your work and stepping back for a minute can be a great way for motivation. To stop myself from procrastinating, I usually take a short break from whatever task I have. So far, this has helped me get my mind back on track, at the moment. That’s not all — research also suggests that taking a break from work can improve our performance and feelings of productivity. By the time I start to plan a break, whether it’s going for a walk, or taking a power nap for myself, I realize I have started putting most of what I have to do in place.

I started to delay gratification

I realize I am stuck to natural distractions like seeing movies and visiting social media every hour. In short, they are part of the reasons why I procrastinate. I decided to be considerate and sacrifice this gratification just to get my tasks done. If you really want to stop procrastinating, you should be able to sacrifice your social time and schedule new short time for them. While these kinds of sacrifices can feel like a pain at the time, it’s probably worth it in the end.

I subscribe to creating a mental checklist

A quick, simple checklist is a great way to create that sense of accountability. Also, to show yourself that you have a commitment to completing the task. I make a list of everything that I have to do, and cross off the task as I complete it. You should create a checklist too as it will help you do great for your works. After creating a checklist and you’re about to procrastinate, get up, walk to your desk, and get to work.

Finally, reducing procrastination is a matter of recognizing what causes us to procrastinate, and finding ways to be more productive. However, doing the above tips can stop you from slipping back into your old ways, and stop you from procrastinating.

Hello there,

I’m Maryam

An ambivert who takes reading as a pleasure and I’ve gotten a lot from that. My reading habit led me to write blog posts and it is what I enjoy like delicious food.

I am enthusiastic about sharing fashion, relationship, and lifestyle tips to solve lots of anxieties from all angles.

Maryam Awodele
Maryam Awodele

Hi, I'm Maryam

A super zealous research writer and fashion enthusiast who specializes in teaching others how to look good and feel good through fashion tips, reviews, and lifestyle tips. Here at Shodamia, we believe that quality information is key to helping individuals to look & feel good. So, we do our best to provide our readers with well-researched, reliable, and practical tips that cater to their unique styles and preferences.

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